about cfs

CFS is a fully integrated environmental remediation company.

CFS is an environmental services and site remediation company. The firm provides a diverse range of indoor decontamination, field investigation, and pollution cleanup capabilities.

Our decontamination services deliver clean interiors to building owners, tenants, employees, and customers seeking protection against viral pathogens, chemical vapors, mold impacts, and friable asbestos.

Our field investigation and site remediation capabilities provide the specialized equipment and technical services that engineers and consultants need to repair and restore their customers' property assets.  

Our building demolition and restoration services help to efficiently re-purpose formerly impaired or obsolete properties for beneficial reuse.

Our site remediation capabilities include investigation drilling, in-situ injection, soil excavation, hydraulic control, subsurface barrier installation, dewatering, and other specialized services.

We regularly deploy our boring, hollow stem auger, and air rotary drilling units to facilitate site investigations, injections, and fluid recovery. For sites with limited access or restricted work space, we deploy specialized equipment to remediate inaccessible areas.

Whether the need is in-situ remediation supported by enhanced bio-remediation and chemical oxidation, or direct excavation and dewatering, CFS executes effective strategies to achieve efficient results.

angle drilling with direct push drilling system